This project is located on Interstate 84 in the Town of West Hartford. The project begins at the Farmington – West Hartford Town Line in the westbound direction and ends at the Park Road on-ramp. In the eastbound direction, the project begins approximately 500 feet east of the Ridgewood Road overpass and extends approximately 200 feet east of Mayflower overpass.

Purpose and Need
The purpose of this project is to provide safety and operational improvements to address concerns with congestion and traffic operations on I-84 in the Town of West Hartford.
The existing traffic volume within the project limits is at or near capacity, and combined with closely spaced interchanges result in congestion and weaving concerns on this section of I-84. A review of the three-year crash data between 2012 and 2014 revealed a total of 159 crashes with 48 injuries and one fatality on I-84 WB, and a total of 202 crashes with 90 injuries and one fatality on I-84 EB. The types of crashes are primarily rear-end, sideswipe-same direction and fixed object type crashes, which are indicative of issues with congestion and weaving maneuvers. The I-84 EB section of the project is in the 2012-2014 Suggested List of Surveillance Study Sites1.
The proposed improvements include the addition of a travel lane in the westbound direction from the Park Road on-ramp to the Interchange 39A off-ramp to Route 9 SB for approximately 9,500-feet. Additional improvements include the construction of an auxiliary lane in the eastbound direction beginning at the Interchange 40 on-ramp from New Britain Avenue and terminating at the Interchange 41 off-ramp to South Main Street for approximately 2,800-feet. These improvements will provide significant safety and operational benefits in both directions of I-84.
Several elements related to the existing highway cross section, including shoulder widths, will be brought to current standards as part of the safety improvements proposed within the project limits. Additionally, the project includes mill and overlay of the existing travel lanes, installation of guiderail to current standards and concrete barrier curb where warranted, highway drainage improvements, relocation of overhead and side mounted sign structures, minor relocation of highway luminaires, replacement of existing noise barrier walls in poor condition, and installation of new noise barrier walls where warranted.
To accommodate the additional lanes, the bridges over Berkshire Road, Bridge Nos. 1744 and 1745 on I-84 eastbound and westbound respectively, will be replaced completely. The I-84 westbound Bridge No. 01743B over Ridgewood Road will be widened and the superstructure will be replaced. The concrete haunches on the underside of Bridge No. 1747 carrying South Main Street over I-84 will be removed and a noise barrier wall will be installed at Bridge No. 1746 carrying I-84 over Rockledge Brook.
Project Materials